When I was little and it snowed, It was AWESOME!!!! Not that it's not awesome now, but when your little there is just something about snow that lights you up. Something magical.
Spring is filled with April showers and May flowers.
Summer is filled with pool parties, sprinklers, Popsicles and water fights.
Fall is Burgundy, orange, and yellow leaves, rain, wind, and jackets
Winter is snow. snow. snow. Which means snowmen, snowball fights, sledding, and the one thing that rules it all...snow forts!
One year it snowed quite a bit. I'm talkin knee high quite a bit. now when your a grown up, knee high on a 6 yr old isn't that much, it's a lot, but not as much as your 6 yr old thinks it is. It was the perfect kind of snow. Just wet enough to stick together but not so wet that it was just a bunch of slush! It must have been my dad's day off, or he called in sick. I'm not sure which.
My parents always made sure that snow was a magical thing, and not this burdensome thing that most adults make it out to be. I never remember my parents complaining about driving in the snow. I never remember them having a negative attitude toward the snow. It has always been a magical, wonderful thing.
We woke up to snow that day. My mom and dad got us appropriately outfitted to go out and play in the snow. My dad in his flannel shirt and snow boots. us in our coats, hats and gloves. Out we went.
My dad, is awesome. That's it. He is THE. MAN. and when it comes to making stuff, especially out of snow?! Forget about it! He is KING of snow!
All I remember is him piling snow up in the front yard...tons of it. Shoveling it up and up and up. I remember trying to figure out what he was doing, and then I saw it. The greatest defense against any incoming snow balls. The biggest snow fort I had ever seen! It was as tall as I was! It was awesome and my dad had built it. Next came out the best idea my mom had ever had and she was the queen of all things snow related. 5 water bottles...not just water bottles, Squirt bottles filled with water...not just any water but Colored water!!! Colored Ice water so that we could Spray paint our new snow fort! In that moment my parents were the coolest people in the world.
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